Create a homework report
In the homework repositories following Homework 02 you are to create reports in quarto yourself.
These are suggestions how you create such a report.
- In RStudio select “New File” -> “Quarto Document…” to create a new .qmd-file.
- In Visual Studio Code “New File…” and then type “quarto” and select “Quarto Document Quarto” to create a new .qmd-file.
A useful YAML header for a homework report is
title: "Homework 02"
standalone: true # quarto will render to a html-file with a header
# and all css and javascript included (no extra directory with files for these needed)
embed-resources: true # The html will also embed all figures you produce
# (no extra directory with files for these needed)
code-fold: true # Code does not appear visually in the report, but can be "folded out"
number-sections: true # Usually you want to number the sections in a report
toc : true # Table of contents make navigation in longer files easier
Writing in a jupyter notebook (.ipynb)
Instead of a .qmd file you can also write in a jupyter notebook (.ipynb) and render this file with quarto. To that end you start your notebook with the YAML header above in a raw cell.
2 After the YAML
Typically, you have a chunk loading your packages directly after the YAML header.
This is for an R report:
#| label: load-packages
library(tidyverse) # You always need the tidyverse
# More helpful packages
library(patchwork) # for combining plots
3 Structuring your report
Make headers with #
and maybe ##
for second level headers.