Learning goal: First experiences with collaborative data science work with git
Team formation is mostly complete. Repositories project-A-USERNAMES
, …, project-H-USERNAMES
are created. You are to deliver your project reports in your repository.
The first team member1 does the following:
in the YAMLgit add
the file report.qmd
git commit
(enter “Added name” as commit message)git push
git pull
in the RStudio interface.What does git pull
git pull
does two things: fetching new stuff and merging it with existing stuff
git fetch
s the commit from the remote repository (GitHub) to the local machinegit merge
s the commit with the latest commit on your local machine.Git can merge changes in the same file when there are no conflicts. Let’s try.
git pull
first. You cannot push because remotely there is a newer commit (the one your colleague just made).git
configuration for divergent branchesIf you pull for the first time in a local git repository, git may complain like this:
Read that carefully. It advises to configure with git config pull.rebase false
as the default version.
How to do the configuration?
git config pull.rebase false
and close the window.git pull
should work.Practice a bit more pulling and pushing commits and check the merging.
.git add
and git commit
on local machines.git push
git pull
. That should result in a conflict. If you receive several hints instead, first read the slide two slides before!>>>>>>>>
one option of text,
a separator,
the other option, and
git add
, git commit
, and git push
.Now you know how to solve merge conflicts. Practice a bit in your team.
Working in VSCode: The workflow is the same because it relies on git not on the editor of choice.
A good question
Political Attitudes
Fuel Watch
COVID-19 Cases and Deaths
In the following, we say \(S\) is the sample space which is a set of atomic events.
Example for sample spaces:
An event \(A\) is a subset of the sample space \(A \subset S\).
Important: Atomic events are events but not all events are atomic.
Two coin tosses:
For selecting one random person:
Event \(\{2,5,6\}\) = The selected person is either 2, 5, or 6.
(Not all three people which is a different random variable!)
For COVID-19 testing:
Definition: A set of all events a function \(\text{Pr}: \text{Set of all subsets of $S$} \to \mathbb{R}\) is a probability function when
This captures the essence of how we think about probabilities mathematically. Most important: We can only easily add probabilities when they do not share atomic events.
Example coin tosses: We can define a probability function \(\text{Pr}\) by assigning the same probability to each atomic event.
So, the probability one or zero HEADs is \(\text{Pr}(\{HT, TH, TT\}) = \text{Pr}(\{HT\}) + \text{Pr}(\{TH\}) + \text{Pr}(\{TT\}) = \frac{3}{4}\).
Example selection of two out of five people: We can define a probability function \(\text{Pr}\) by assigning the same probability to each atomic event.
So, the probability that 1 is among the selected \(\text{Pr}(\{12, 13, 14, 15\}) = \frac{4}{10}\).
We can compute the probabilities of all events by summing the probabilities of the atomic events in it. So, the probabilities of the atomic events are building blocks for the whole probability function.
\(\text{Pr}(\emptyset) = 0\)
For any events \(A,B \subset S\) it holds
Recap from the motivation of logistic regression: When the probability of an event is \(A\) is \(\text{Pr}(A)=p\), then its odds (in favor of the event) are \(\frac{p}{1-p}\). The logistic regression model “raw” predictions are log-odds \(\log\frac{p}{1-p}\).
Definition: The conditional probability of an event \(A\) given an event \(B\) (write “\(A | B\)”) is defined as
\[\text{Pr}(A|B) = \frac{\text{Pr}(A \cap B)}{\text{Pr}(B)}\]
We want to know the probability of \(A\) given that we know that \(B\) has happened (or is happening for sure).
Two coin flips: \(A\) = “first coin is HEAD”, \(B\) = “one or zero HEADS in total”. What is \(\text{Pr}(A|B)\)? \(A\) = {HH, HT}, \(B\) = {TT, HT, TH} \(\to\) \(A \cap B = \{HT\}\)
\(\to\) \(\text{Pr}(A\cap B) = \frac{3}{4}\), \(\text{Pr}(A\cap B) = \frac{1}{4}\)
\(\to\) \(\text{Pr}(A|B) = \frac{1/4}{3/4} = \frac{1}{3}\)
COVID-19 Example: What is the probability that a random person in the tested sample has COVID-19 (event \(P\) “positive”) given that she has a positive test result (event \(PP\) “predicted positive”)?
\[\text{Pr}(P|PP) = \frac{\text{Pr}(P \cap PP)}{\text{Pr}(PP)}\]
Definition p-value: Probability of observed or more extreme outcome given that the null hypothesis (\(H_0\)) is true.
\[\text{p-value} = \text{Pr}(\text{observed or more extreme outcome for test-statistic} | H_0)\]
Confusion matrix of statistical classification, large version:
Sensitivity and Specificity
\(\to \atop \ \) Sensitivity is the true positive rate: TP / (TP + FN)
\(\ \atop \to\) Specificity is the true negative rate: TN / (TN + FP)
Positive/negative predictive value
\(\scriptsize\downarrow \ \) Positive predictive value: TP / (TP + FP)
\(\scriptsize\ \downarrow\) Negative predictive value: TN / (TN + FN)
Here TP, TN, FP, FN are the numbers of true positives, true negatives, false positives, and false negatives.
As the set of atomic events \(\{TP\}, \{FP\}, \{FN\}, \{TN\}\) we can define the probabilities of the events like \(\text{Pr}(\{TP\}) = \frac{TP}{N}\) with \(N = TP + FP + FN + TN\).
Sensitivity and specificity are conditional probabilities:
Sensitivity is the probability of a positive test result given that the person has the condition: \(\text{Pr}(PP|P) = \frac{TP}{TP + FN}\)
Specificity is the probability of a negative test result given that the person does not have the condition: \(\text{Pr}(PN|N) = \frac{TN}{TN + FP}\)
Positive predictive value is the probability of the condition given that the test result is positive: \(\text{Pr}(P|PP) = \frac{TP}{TP + FP}\)
Negative predictive value is the probability of the condition given that the test result is negative: \(\text{Pr}(N|PN) = \frac{TN}{TN + FN}\)
Note: The positive predictive value \(\text{Pr}(P|PP)\) is sensitivity \(\text{Pr}(PP|P)\) with “flipped” conditionality.
Bayes’ Theorem is a fundamental theorem in probability theory that relates the conditional probabilities \(\text{Pr}(A|B)\) and \(\text{Pr}(B|A)\) to the marginal probabilities \(\text{Pr}(A)\) and \(\text{Pr}(B)\):
\[\text{Pr}(A|B) = \frac{\text{Pr}(B|A) \cdot \text{Pr}(A)}{\text{Pr}(B)}\]
Example: What is the probability that a random person in the tested sample has COVID-19 (\(P\) = positive) given that she has a positive test result (\(PP\) = predicted positive)?
\[\text{Pr}(P|PP) = \frac{\text{Pr}(PP|P) \cdot \text{Pr}(P)}{\text{Pr}(PP)}\] So, we can compute the positive predictive value \(\text{Pr}(P|PP)\) from the sensitivity \(\text{Pr}(PP|P)\) and the rate (or probability) of positive conditions \(\text{Pr}(P)\) and the rate (or probability) of positive tests.
\[\text{Pr}(P) = \frac{P}{N} = \frac{TP + FN}{N}\]
Sensitivity and Specificity are properties of the test (or classifier) and are independent of the prevalence of the condition in the population of interest.
The Positive/Negative Predictive Values are not!
We assume a test with sensitivity 0.9 and specificity 0.99. \(N = 1000\) people were tested.
PP | PN | |
P | TP | FN |
N | FP | TN |
Sensitivity = TP / P
Specificity = TN / N
Prevalence = P / N
Prevalence = 0.1
\(P\) = 100 \(N\) = 900
PP | PN | |
P | 90 | 10 |
N | 9 | 891 |
PPV = 90 / (90 + 9) = 0.909
From the positive tests 90.9% have COVID-19.
Prevalence = 0.01
\(P\) = 10 \(N\) = 990
PP | PN | |
P | 9 | 1 |
N | 9.9 | 980.1 |
PPV = 9 / (9 + 9.9) = 0.476
From the positive tests only 47.6% have COVID-19!